Sunday, 5 April 2020

Speaking of updates

Hey, you're in my blog... How the hell did that happen? No, seriously, I'm curious. Would you mind leaving a comment to let me know how you got here and, if it's not too much bother, maybe even an opinion on the post itself?
That would be lovely. Thanks.

So I got an email from someone who'd enjoyed the very early alpha I put out a couple of years ago. It was quite unexpected - but heart-warming. It's nice to know the project got even just a little attention.
Just for the record, I'll repeat what i told him: the project is NOT suspended, but it has changed in nature due to the changes in my life (mainly, I got a job and therefore have much less free time).
So, what's this change you're talking about? Well, the game won't be a game. I'm writing it as a proper story now... which is not different from the approach I had in the beginning, I just had to cut out the various routes the characters could take and make them converge all in one storyline; one that is consistent in plot events, character progression and themes. This was not an easy job and took most of the last year. Now, however, I'm more or less done with the planning part ("more or less" because there's always some planning to do) and I'm writing at full speed.
I've no idea when I'll be done. The first draft will take some time, then the second a little less, then the third... who knows, I've never tackled such a big project. What I do know is that I WILL take it to completion.

I realize most people will be put off by this change. I will try to publish the story as a visual novel, with pictures and possibly sounds... but that's in the future. I need to get it done, first.

I do have a lot of time to spend at home, these days, so hopefully the writing will proceed smoothly. Hey, you're staying home, right? Please do. It's the right thing to do, if you don't want your country to end up like us here in Italy.

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